On 23/07/2012 09:43, Hartmann, O. wrote:

> I'd like to try pkgng with portmaster. I see that "pkg2ng" is involving
> the directory /var/db/pkg, so this implies that there may implications
> also for usage with ports-mgmt/portmaster. portmaster is supposed to be
> the tool completely dependend on system's toolsets, isn't it?
> I know that "pkg" is supposed to be more for binary maintainance of the
> system, but I'd like to be "stuck" with compiling my ports. Is there an
> issue with that?

As Chris says, making your own repository with poudriere is pretty simple.

However, unless you're going to be using pkgng to manage several
systems, you might not want even the (fairly small) bother of setting up
poudriere at all.

Which is fine.

So long as you follow these instructions:


you can then use portmaster(8) pretty much as usual, but with the pkgng
packaging format and package database.

There remains one significant chunk of portmaster functionality still
missing: the ability to install from pre-built packages rather than
ports.  Depending on how you use portmaster, this may or may not have
any day-to-day impact on you.

In theory it is possible to mix usage of binary packages from external
repositories with locally compiled packages, but at the moment this
suffers from exactly the same compatibility problems as doing the
equivalent with pkg_tools would.  Fixing that is definitely coming, but
it's not going to be in release-1.0.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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