Hello, Ian.
You wrote 22 августа 2012 г., 1:38:04:

IL> For example, this script can replace devd as a daemon that restarts
IL> dhclient when any link comes back up...

IL> Of course the right thing to do is invoke the proper rc scripts rather
IL> than dhclient directly... this is just to illustrate how easy it is to
IL> replace devd if your needs are specialized.
  Everything worked with 8.x without problems. It worked with 9.x and -CURRENT
 with adding of ``synchronous_dhclient="YES"'' into /etc/rc.conf (And
 it cost me about 2 hours of investigation, why dhclient stops to
 start after upgrade). Next I'll need to write some script. Is it Ok
 to you?

  Yes, I understand problem with laptops, which change wire and
 wireless networks and need to re-acquire new address. But it should
 be soleved other way. And jhb@ already posted proper solution, BTW!

  And, as side note, ``man rc.cof'' says NOTHING about relation of devd
and ``synchronous_dhclient'' setting! It says about ``start
dhclient(8) synchronously at startup'' without explaining, that
without this option and with devd disabled, dhclient WILL NOT START
AT ALL! And relations between devd and dhclient are not documented at
all in: rc.conf(5), dhclient(8), devd.conf(5) and devd(8).

 And rc.conf(5) explains `devd_enable' as:

 Run devd(8) to handle device added, removed or unknown events from the kernel.

 And doesn't say a word about network link state.

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <l...@freebsd.org>

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