On 2012-Aug-22 15:35:01 -0400, John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>Hmm.  Perhaps we could use a debouncer to ignore "short" link flaps?  Kind of
>gross (and OpenBSD doesn't do this).  For now this change basically ignores
>link up events if they occur with 5 seconds of the link down event.  The 5 is
>hardcoded which is kind of yuck.

I'm also a bit concerned about this for similar reasons to adrian@.
We need to distinguish between short link outages caused by (eg) a
switch admin reconfiguring the switch (which needs the lease to be
re-checked) and those caused by broken NICs which report link status
changes when they are touched.  Maybe an alternative is to just ignore
link flaps when they occur within a few seconds of a script_go().
(And/or make the ignore timeout configurable).

Apart from fxp(4), does anyone know how many NICs are similarly

Does anyone know why this issue doesn't bite OpenBSD?  Does it have
a work-around to avoid resetting the link, not report link status
changes or just no-one has noticed the issue?

BTW to jhb: Can you check your mailer's list configuration.  You
appear to be adding <freebsd-current@freebsd.org> and leaving
<curr...@freebsd.org> in the Cc list.

Peter Jeremy

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