On 01.12.12 16:15, Robert Watson wrote:
> Dear all:
> I've now committed the build glue required to install the recently merged 
> Audit Distribution Daemon (auditdistd) contributed by the Pawel Dawidek, and 
> sponsored by the FreeBSD Foundation.  This allows individual hosts generating 
> audit trails to submit trails to a central audit server for review and safe 
> keeping.  Part of the goal is to ensure that a host submitting trail data 
> can't later modify the trails.  Pawel uses a variety of useful security- and 
> resilience-related features such as TLS, Capsicum, etc, in auditdistd.  As 
> the 
> recent security incident in the FreeBSD.org cluster illustrated, having 
> reliable and detailed audit trails makes a big difference in forensic work, 
> and hopefully this will allow the FreeBSD Project (and our users) to do that 
> better in the future.

Aehm, hope it is ok to 'complain' here.

Happens when installing world.

cd /export/devel/fbsd/head/src;
/usr/obj/export/devel/fbsd/head/src/make.amd64/make -f Makefile.inc1
LOCAL_MTREE= hierarchy
cd /export/devel/fbsd/head/src/etc;     
/usr/obj/export/devel/fbsd/head/src/make.amd64/make distrib-dirs
mtree -eU  -f /export/devel/fbsd/head/src/etc/mtree/BSD.root.dist -p /
mtree -eU  -f /export/devel/fbsd/head/src/etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist -p /var
mtree: line 22: unknown user auditdistd
*** [distrib-dirs] Error code 1

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