On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Fleuriot Damien <m...@my.gd> wrote:
> Well perhaps the code to handle auto tuning isn't present in the driver 
> itself.
> I'm not a huge fan of the idea, I believe it would be rather taxing to 
> implement all the exceptions and that some could easily be overlooked.
> I believe it's better to have a more user-friendly documentation and let 
> users tune the hardware to suit their needs.

And why not to provide a "simple" shell script that:
1. Collect the detected hardware device list
2. Collect the sysctl value
3. Popose all tunning tips regarding the detected hardware (including
RAM/number of CPU/etc…) and the sysctl value

This will kept default conservative value and guide the user to tune
by itself its system.


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