:>     I found a couple of minor nits, but only one real bug.  In i386/swtch.s
:>     I forgot to change out a WANT_RESCHED for AST_RESCHED:
:> sw1a:
:>         call    _chooseproc                     /* trash ecx, edx, ret eax*/
:>         testl   %eax,%eax
:>         CROSSJUMP(je, _idle, jne)               /* if no proc, idle */
:>         movl    %eax,%ecx
:>         xorl    %eax,%eax
:>         andl    $~WANT_RESCHED,_astpending
:>     The problem is that a kernel build is not reporting any errors!   
:>     WANT_RESCHED does not exist at all, anywhere.  If I change it to 
:>     a garbage name the kernel still builds.  I don't get it.
:It seems to be a gas bug.  The error is detected if ~WANT_RESCHED is
:replaced by WANT_RESCHED.  ~WANT_RESCHED is no a simple relocatable
:expression, so it isn't clear that gas or elf can handle it.  They
:don't seem to for the following simpler case:
:$ echo "movl $~FOO,%eax" >z.s
:$ echo ".globl foo; .set FOO,0x55555555" >z1.s
:$ cc -c z.s z1.s
:$ ld -o z z.o z1.s
:$ objdump --disassemble z
:z:     file format elf32-i386
:Disassembly of section .text:
:08048074 <.text>:
: 8048074:      b8 ff ff ff ff  movl   $0xffffffff,%eax
:                                          ^^^^^^^^ should be aaaaaaaa
:                                                  but still has best guess
:                                                  at time of assembly of z.s
: 8048079:      90              nop    
: 804807a:      90              nop    
: 804807b:      90              nop    
:Everthing works right for "FOO" instead of ~FOO.
:The aout case gets this wrong in a more obvious way.  Gas produces the same
:code for "movl $~FOO,%eax" as for "movl $FOO,%eax".  Linking to z1.o then
:gives the right value for $FOO and the wrong value for $~FOO.
:Gas notices the problem for "movl $-FOO,%eax":
:    z.s: Assembler messages:
:    z.s:1: Error: Negative of non-absolute symbol FOO
:Similarly for the a.out case.  Complementation is equivalent to negation
:on 2's complement machines, so gas should produce this error for $~FOO too.

    Ok, so who do we send your excellent analysis to at GNU-C?  I think
    this is a rather serious bug myself since a programmer can make a
    simple labelname mistake and get incorrect code instead of an error.

    Also, probably a simple mistake but complement != negation.  
    I think ~F = -F - 1;

        -0x0001 == 0xFFFF
        ~0x0001 == 0xFFFE

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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