On 01/29/2013 09:15 AM, G B wrote:
> I am using FreeBSD 10-Current r245673 as a host on an HP p2-1394.
> I have the host OS installed on 1 drive using UFS and a second
> drive using ZFS with a pool named 'tank.'  They layout for zfs for
> my guest install is /tank/guest01.
> When using the command: # bhyveload -d
> /tmp/FreeBSD-9.1-RELEASE-amd64-disk1.iso -m 512 -h /tank/guest01
> guest01 && bhyve -c 2 -a -A -m 512 -g 0 -P -H -s 1,virtio-net,tap0
> -s 2,virtio-blk,diskdev guest01 && sleep 20 && ifconfig tap0 up
> I get the boot screen for FreeBSD 9.1 and after the timed pause it
> fails with: Could not open backing file: No such file or directory 
> ACPI tables require and ioapic Assertion failed: (error == 0),
> function main, file /usr/src/usr.sbin/bhyve/bhyverun.c, line 774. 
> Abort (core dumped) root@localhost:/tmp#
> I am using the bhyveload comamnd from a PDF I found from BSDCan but
> when I used the -m 768 -M 1024 as used in the doc it failed with a
> syntax error, so I switched to using just -m 512.  My .iso is in
> /tmp as indicated in my command with '-d'.
> I'm guessing my command is wrong, but not sure where.  Any help
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks, Gary _______________________________________________ 
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"diskdev" is your actual disk (i.e. -s
2,virtio-blk,/dev/zvol/tank/guest01). Also, you need a zvol if you are
doing this.
Also, "-h" in bhyveload specifies a directory with a loader config,
kernel, and modules. You definitely don't need it with an ".iso" boot.

- Nikolai Lifanov
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