On 2013-Mar-03 23:12:40 -0800, Don Lewis <truck...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>On  4 Mar, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
>> It could be argued that the current typical value of 16MB for the
>> hirunningbufspace is too low, but experiments with increasing it did
>> not provided any measureable change in the throughput or latency for
>> some loads.
>The correct value is probably proportional to the write bandwidth

The problem is that write bandwidth varies widely depending on the
workload.  For spinning rust, this will vary between maybe 64KBps
(512B random writes) and 100-150MBps (single-theaded large sequential
writes).  The (low-end) SSD in my Netbook also has about 100:1 variance
due to erase blocking.  How do you tune hirunningbufspace in the face
of 2 or 3 orders of magnitude variance in throughput?  Especially since
SSDs don't gradually degrade - they hit a brick wall.

Peter Jeremy

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