On 2013/04/13, at 5:03, Scott Long <sco...@samsco.org> wrote:
> You target audience for this isn't people who track CURRENT, it's people who 
> are on 7, 8, or 9 and looking to update to 10.x sometime in the future.

Yes, I'm aware of that, but the problem remains. If ipfilter is broken or gets 
broken because of the networking stack changes, we'll have to fix it to keep 
the deprecation path going...

>>> So with that said, would it be possible to write some tutorials on how to 
>>> migrate an ipfilter installation to pf?  Maybe some mechanical syntax docs 
>>> accompanied by a few case studies?  Is it possible for a script to automate 
>>> some of the common mechanical changes?  Also essential is a clear document 
>>> on what goes away with ipfilter and what is gained with pf.  Once those 
>>> tools are written, I suggest announcing that ipfilter is available but 
>>> deprecated/unsupported in FreeBSD 10, and will be removed from FreeBSD 11.  
>>> Certain people will still pitch a fit about it departing, but if the tools 
>>> are there to help the common users, you'll be successful in winning 
>>> mindshare and general support.
>> It's not very difficult to switch an ipf.conf/ipnat.conf to a pf.conf, but 
>> I'm not sure automated tools exist. I'm also not convinced we need to write 
>> them and I think the issue can be deal with by writing a bunch of examples 
>> on how to do it manually. Then we can give people 1y to switch.
> Please believe me that no matter how trivial you think the switch is, a 
> migration guide still needs to be written.

A migration *guide*, yes. Tools to convert one syntax to another: no.

Rui Paulo

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