On 5/29/2013 12:33 AM, Sergey V. Dyatko wrote:
> On Tue, 28 May 2013 13:20:53 -0500
> Bryan Drewery <bdrew...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> On 4/21/2013 2:38 PM, Sergey V. Dyatko wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can anybody explain why USB keyboard (and keyboard from
>>> integrated IPKVM) doesn't work when I boot with   'C606
>>> chipset Dual 4-Port SATA/SAS Storage Control Unit' enabled in bios?
>>> Also I can't boot that box from usb memstick and
>>> FreeBSD-10.0-CURRENT-amd64-20130413-r249439-release.iso They both
>>> loose(?) device and can't find root If I disable controller in bios
>>> system can't see any sata hdd connected to it:(
>>> booting with hw.usb.ehci.no_hs=1, kern.cam.boot_delay="10000"
>>> and debug.acpi.disabled="hostres" without success. I setup dhcpd,
>>> tftp, nfs on my laptop and finally I install fbsd on that box, but
>>> question with kbd is open - It doesn't work..
>>> dmesg:
>>> http://svn.freebsd.by/files/dmesg_N3RF.txt
>>> pciconf -lv:
>>> http://svn.freebsd.by/files/pciconf_N3RF.txt
>>> I would appreciate any hints
>> I'm having this exact problem on HEAD r250991 as well. 9.1-RELEASE
>> (disc1) seems ok though.
>> Did you get this figured out?
> I added to loader.conf
> kern.maxbcache="128M"
> vfs.maxbufspace=134217728
> also I create /boot.config with '-v'
> I don't know what exactly help, but now usb kbd (ipkvm) works fine
> for me.
> p.s. It is smbios.system.product="X9DRW"

Yes! This fix of limiting the size worked for me. USB worked on boot, kb
works remotely in the IP KVM and locally as well now.

For the record, this is a DELL C1100 with 72GB of ram. The symptoms
match the previous posts though and the delay settings did not help.

This was working on 9.1-R, something must have changed on HEAD.

This is not a production system, I'm willing to try any patches or
settings to help get this fixed by default.

Bryan Drewery

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