On Sat, 08 Apr 2000, Mike Heffner  wrote:

> | I'm testing the __builtin_apply() to make a patch to GNUstep, but I'm
> | getting
> | in troubles.
> Since you're on the subject, there are also two other bugs with
> __builtin_apply() in FBSD that I know of.

Always better... :(

> The easy hack to fix 2 is to remove FP_X_INV from the floating point mask
> -- but this is not the right way to do it. 1 can be fixed by passing a
> pointer of a float.

Exactly how to do that ?

> I tried investigating into it a while back, but didn't have any luck. I
> know that 2 isn't a problem in 3-stable.

If we'are not able to fix it I'm forced to change OS... I need GNUstep.

I have tested the prg with NEXTSTEP cc 2.5.8 that uses the same behaviour
for these things, it does not crash and return a pointer for the struct on the stack.
CC differences:

argframe: NS 8 bytes, FBSD 16 bytes
struct on the stack: NS up to 4 bytes, FBSD up to 8 bytes.

If it helps someone here is the asm generated by cc on NS.



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