On 2013-10-21 12:04, Teske, Devin wrote:
> On Oct 21, 2013, at 8:50 AM, Allan Jude wrote:
>> On 2013-10-21 11:45, Johan Broman wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Sorry for the delayed answer. I've patched zfsboot and rebuilt the
>>> release. I now get an error message that ada2 can't be used, which is
>>> correct. Good stuff! :)
>>> ( I've recreated the test environment using a KVM guest with four SATA
>>> drives instead of the server I was using. I makes it easier to test
>>> stuff. )
>>> Here's the screenshot:
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v1/url?u=
>>> Maybe one should be unable to select drives that are part of a graid
>>> in the first place? Or is that out-of-scope for bsdinstall at this
>>> point? (As I guess that requires too many changes/new lines)
>>> Cheers
>>> Johan
>>> On 19/10/13 22:20, Teske, Devin wrote:
>>>> On Oct 19, 2013, at 10:07 AM, Johan Broman wrote:
>>>>> I recreated the graid mirror on ada2 and ada3 and reran the
>>>>> installation. I'm unable to scroll the msgbox using PgDn or arrow
>>>>> keys. There is no indication that the action failed and I'm returned
>>>>> to the ZFS setup screen if I hit OK.
>>>>> I have screen shots (taken with my phone) of the msgbox and "ps
>>>>> auxwww" output. Let me know what kind of debug info you would like.
>>>>> I've put the screen shots here:
>>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v1/url?u=
>>>> I've added a patch to fix debugging in the zfsboot script...
>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v1/url?u=http://druidbsd.cvs.sf.net/viewvc/druidbsd/bsdinstall_zfs/&k=%2FbkpAUdJWZuiTILCq%2FFnQg%3D%3D%0A&r=Mrjs6vR4%2Faj2Ns9%2FssHJjg%3D%3D%0A&m=B6jLX5vSxIfvyks3HH55lYWtfhRBpGZ3nVA65M%2FgmXM%3D%0A&s=1dc96a8b5450d27fe8210b361c9ed736ccd448f78df6aabe170bb80e31bca6d9
>>>> Feedback welcome.
>>>> Johan,...
>>>> Can you see if the patch sheds some better light as to what's failing?
>>>> The patch won't fix the problem, but it should give us an accurate error
>>>> message so that we can learn what precisely is returning an error
>>>> status.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>> I do notice that Devin's manually prefixing the error message with the
>> tool name, is partially redundancy when the tool does it it self, but we
>> can't always be sure it will do that.
> The next patchset will fix that.
> I'm dropping the tool name from the msgbox contents and putting it in
> the title (e.g., '"Error: gpart") that way... even if the tool spits out its 
> own
> name (or not), we'll know what exactly what was going on by looking
> at the title.
>> the graid thing is rather hard to detect, especially when it is a
>> faulted array that doesn't even appear in graid status etc.
> I believe the idea behind the script is that whatever you tell it to use will
> be destroyed.
> Allan, maybe perhaps we could add some code that attempts to dis-
> assemble a graid to make the disk usable?
> Johan, what would you be more apt to expect? That it killed your graid
> or that it gave an error? (/me thinks what the recourse to the error might
> entail -- going to partedit?)
Your recourse would be switching to the shell (control+alt+f4) and
destroying the graid.

I am a little hesitant to go destroying graids unprompted. If we had the
geom.confxml parsing, we might be able to detect it and ask the user
what to do

Allan Jude

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