On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 11:29:43AM +0200, Leif Neland wrote:
> Because I can't do anything more intelligent to find my 2-printer-panic,
> I'd like at least to know when it broke.
> It works in a kernel from march 15, and has been broken at least a week.
> So I cvsup to 2000. to see if it worked then.
> Is it enough to compile a new kernel, or do I need to make world too?

People will be upset it you submit bug reports where your kernel and
world don't match.  That might not be the problem, but then again, it
might so it's best if you do both.

> Is it enough to cvsup src-sys, src-include and src-base?

src-all is generally recommended.  It only takes a few minutes even on a
really crappy modem link once you've done it once and 2.2->3 took me
under two hours on a very poor 56k link when I did it.

-- Brooks

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