On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 1:53 AM, Luigi Rizzo <ri...@iet.unipi.it> wrote:

> Do we have any support for process checkpoint and migration on FreeBSD? I
> have found some code from 2010 at code.google.com/p/processmigration which
> works by forcing a core dump. I wonder how difficult it would be to extend
> it to do incremental checkpointing (to reduxe the time in which the process
> must be stopped during a migration).
> Cheers
> Luigi
> --
> -----------------------------------------+-------------------------------
>  Prof. Luigi RIZZO, ri...@iet.unipi.it  . Dip. di Ing. dell'Informazione
>  http://www.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/        . Universita` di Pisa
>  TEL      +39-050-2211611               . via Diotisalvi 2
>  Mobile   +39-338-6809875               . 56122 PISA (Italy)
> -----------------------------------------+-------------------------------
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Hi Luigi,

I remember seeing a talk about this at the 2010 EuroBSDCon in Karlsruhe :
I'm not sure what happened with this project but also looked interesting
and a live demo was done showing live migration with preserving TCP state,
etc : http://www.7he.at/freebsd/vps/docs/man/vps.9.html

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