On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 9:58 AM, O. Hartmann
<ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Running CURRENT and trying to mount a "share" provided by a M$ Windows 2012R2
> server via autofs fails with an authetication error.
> I tested successfully to mount the share via mount_smbfs manually, but 
> whenever
> I provide the option "-N" I receive this sticky authentication error.
> The manpage for mount_smbfs refers to /etc/nsmb.conf and therein the password
> should be provided in cleartext or simple encrypted. Further, the FreeBSD
> onboard tool "smbutil crypt SOMEPASSWORD" is suggested, creating a weak
> obscured password hash for exactly the purpose I described above.
If your password is longer than 18 characters, then the smbutil crypt
function will fail.

I put in a bug report on this a few years ago.

Short answer, if you are running into this problem, either patch your
smbutil function, or use a shorter password.  There is a workaround
patch included in the bug report.

If you are having a different problem, good luck, but submit a report
if it is not the same issue.

Dave Horn
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