On 20/05/16 14:54, Vladimir Zakharov wrote:

On Fri, May 20, 2016, O. Hartmann wrote:
I reported earlier about broken pipes in ssh sessions to remote hosts,
which occur on an erratic basis. i'm investigating this problem now and
it seems that it is also ipfw-related, but I'm not sure. This problem
is present since a couple of weeks now.

Maybe this could help...

I've also experienced problems with broken pipes in ssh sessions some
time ago. Setting in sysctl.conf


fixed problem for me. I didn't experiment with the value though. So,
possibly, changing default value (300s) to 1 hour is overkill :).

By default the OpenSSH SSH client is configured to use TCP keepalives. Those should produce enough packets at a short enough interval to keep the dynamic IPFW state established.

Does your traffic pass through libalias?
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