On 2016-Jun-24, at 2:50 PM, Alan Somers <asom...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> As of r302180., the usr.sbin/rpcbind, sys/acl, and sys/sys/bitstring
> tests should all be fixed.  I opened PR 210329 for the
> usr.bin/lastcomm test.  I haven't investigated the others.
> -Alan

I updated to -r302180 and ran kyua again. It confirms the rpcbind, acl,
and bitstring items are gone from the broken and failed lists.

This time the totals were 15 broken (down from 24) and 41 failed (down
from 59).

My results this time were. . .

# kyua report --results-filter broken --results-file /usr/tests | more
===> Broken tests
lib/msun/cexp_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.094s]
lib/msun/ctrig_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.097s]
lib/msun/exponential_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.097s]
lib/msun/fenv_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.099s]
lib/msun/fma_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.114s]
lib/msun/invctrig_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.118s]
lib/msun/invtrig_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.114s]
lib/msun/logarithm_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.096s]
lib/msun/lrint_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.096s]
lib/msun/nearbyint_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.096s]
lib/msun/rem_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.091s]
lib/msun/trig_test:main  ->  broken: Received signal 6  [1.094s]
sbin/growfs/legacy_test:main  ->  broken: Reported plan differs from actual 
executed tests  [0.479s]
sys/geom/class/eli/integrity_copy_test:main  ->  broken: Test case timed out  
sys/geom/class/eli/onetime_a_test:main  ->  broken: Test case timed out  
===> Summary
Results read from /root/.kyua/store/results.usr_tests.20160625-012941-048472.db
Test cases: 5700 total, 54 skipped, 20 expected failures, 15 broken, 41 failed
Total time: 9093.092s

# kyua report --results-filter failed --results-file /usr/tests | more
===> Failed tests
lib/libc/c063/fstatat_test:fstatat_fd  ->  failed: 
/usr/src/contrib/netbsd-tests/lib/libc/c063/t_fstatat.c:74: memcmp(&st1, &st2, 
sizeof(st1)) == 0 not met  [0.028s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:fgets  ->  failed: Test case body returned a non-ok exit 
code, but this is not allowed  [0.159s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:gets  ->  failed: Test case body returned a non-ok exit 
code, but this is not allowed  [0.152s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:memcpy  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.150s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:memmove  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.149s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:memset  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.152s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:read  ->  failed: Test case body returned a non-ok exit 
code, but this is not allowed  [0.159s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:readlink  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.161s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:snprintf  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.143s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:sprintf  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.143s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:stpcpy  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.146s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:stpncpy  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.149s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:strcat  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.148s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:strcpy  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.152s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:strncat  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.143s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:strncpy  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.147s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:vsnprintf  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output 
of the test for details  [0.145s]
lib/libc/ssp/ssp_test:vsprintf  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the output of 
the test for details  [0.146s]
lib/libc/stdio/printbasic_test:int_within_limits  ->  failed: printf("%tu", 
(size_t)-1) ==> [18446744073709551615], expected [4294967295]<<NEWLINE>>  
lib/libc/stdio/scanfloat_test:infinities_and_nans  ->  failed: 
/usr/src/lib/libc/tests/stdio/scanfloat_test.c:191: fetestexcept(FE_INVALID) == 
0 not met  [0.032
lib/libc/sys/mincore_test:mincore_resid  ->  failed: 
check_residency(addr, npgs) == 0 not met  [0.04
lib/libc/sys/mincore_test:mincore_shmseg  ->  failed: 
check_residency(addr, npgs) == 0 not met  [0.0
lib/libc/tls/tls_dynamic_test:t_tls_dynamic  ->  failed: 15 checks failed; see 
output for more details  [0.037s]
lib/libproc/proc_test:symbol_lookup  ->  failed: 
/usr/src/lib/libproc/tests/proc_test.c:116: state != PS_STOP: process has state 
4  [0.180s]
lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__E  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the 
output of the test for details  [0.165s]
lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__H  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the 
output of the test for details  [0.169s]
lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__HIPx  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the 
output of the test for details  [0.174s]
lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__HP  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the 
output of the test for details  [0.168s]
lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__J  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the 
output of the test for details  [0.168s]
lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__JP  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the 
output of the test for details  [0.165s]
lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__T  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the 
output of the test for details  [0.169s]
lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__X  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the 
output of the test for details  [0.165s]
lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__XP  ->  failed: atf-check failed; see the 
output of the test for details  [0.170s]
lib/msun/conj_test:main  ->  failed: 9 tests of 42 failed  [0.034s]
lib/msun/ldexp_test:ldexp_denormal  ->  failed: 4 checks failed; see output for 
more details  [0.032s]
local/kyua/model/metadata_test:override_all_with_set_string  ->  failed: Line 
253: disk_space != md.required_disk_space() (16777216.00T != 2.00G)  [0.045s]
local/kyua/testers/tap_parser_test:try_parse_plan__insane  ->  failed: 
testers/tap_parser_test.c:135: 'too long' not matched in 'Plan line includes 
out of range
 numbers'  [0.034s]
sys/geom/class/eli/resize_test:main  ->  failed: 15 tests of 27 failed  [1.094s]
sys/kern/pipe/pipe_fstat_bug_test:main  ->  failed: Returned non-success exit 
status 1  [0.038s]
usr.bin/lastcomm/legacy_test:main  ->  failed: 4 tests of 6 failed  [0.139s]
usr.sbin/sa/legacy_test:main  ->  failed: 12 tests of 13 failed  [0.330s]
===> Summary
Results read from /root/.kyua/store/results.usr_tests.20160625-012941-048472.db
Test cases: 5700 total, 54 skipped, 20 expected failures, 15 broken, 41 failed
Total time: 9093.092s

Mark Millard

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