On Mon, 26 Dec 2016 17:27:06 +0100, Marc UBM Bocklet 
<ubm.free...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I'm writing this as an reminder for others who might be in a similar
> situation. Don't blindly (like me) use pkg on an old current or you'll
> (understandably) run into tons of library / linking issues.
> I update my current only very belatedly and thus was running current
> from around March 2016. pkg correctly detected ABI =
> "FreeBSD:11:amd64"; and installed the requested packages, but of course
> I was missing all kinds of recent library versions (libssl, libpam,
> fopencookie problems in mod_php, among others). This caused me quite a
> headache at first, but then I went from my ancient current to 11-release
> and now everything works like a charm. 
> Searching online, I found only one reference to the situation I had been
> in:
> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-pkgbase/2016-June/000271.html.
> Maybe pkg could print some kind of warning if you're behind too far on
> current, though admittedly this is very likely some edge case and
> updating to a release version fixed everything. 
> pkg itself is really great, it's just so much faster and simpler than
> portmaster or the old package system. Props to all the people who made
> that possible!
> Cheers,
> Marc
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I used to use IIRC pkgdb -F : "pkgdb -F is not supported with PKGNG yet. Use 
'pkg check' directly."
I also used to use -b IIRC with portmaster to save .so. files, and nowadays 
proactively check UPDATING to copy .so. files
to /usr/local/lib/compat manually so pkg updates don't go awry hardly ever.
using 11.0-CURRENT so I may get bitten by this one, but I've less trust in IW 
once BW completes so
tend to delay upgrading fwiw, also a lack of time.
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