Em 2017-04-07 02:29, Garrett Wollman escreveu:
In article <3a8b8ade882d1486aa41b448a9c83...@i805.com.br> you write:

  It's a terrible!!!! Is it a locale bug? Look!

% locale
% touch E
% ls -l [a-z]*
-rw-r--r--  1 rizzo  wheel  0  7 abr 02:06 E

No, it's the specification of how character ranges in glob(3) and
fnmatch(3) work.  In effect, character ranges like [a-z] must be
treated as ranges of *collating elements*, not byte ranges, and in
your locale, <a> and <A> are considered to be the same collating
element, so [a-z] matches both upper- and lower-case Latin letters.
This is documented, very obliquely, in sh(1), which also tells you the

a character class. A character class matches any of the characters between the square brackets. A locale-dependent range of characters may
     be specified using a minus sign.  A named class of characters (see
wctype(3)) may be specified by surrounding the name with `[:' and `:]'. For example, `[[:alpha:]]' is a shell pattern that matches a single let-

So, to match only lower-case letters regardless of your current locale
setting, you must use the correct character class:

        $ locale
        $ ls
        D       E       F       a       b       c
        $ ls [[:lower:]]*
        a       b       c

The same applies to character class ranges in regular expressions, not
just glob(3) patterns.


  It's only work in SH, in C shell (or tcsh) not work
   and it's not work if I need to do this:

   I think this not correct.

% setenv LANG C
% echo "Using C " && ls && echo "---" && ls [a-c,k-m]*
Using C
A a d g j m p s v y D b e h k n q t w z
E       c       f       i       l       o       r       u       x
a       b       c       k       l       m
% setenv LANG pt_BR.UTF-8
% echo "Using pt_BR.UTF-8" && ls && echo "---" && ls [a-c,k-m]*
Using pt_BR.UTF-8
a c e g j m p s v y A d E h k n q t w z
b       D       f       i       l       o       r       u       x
a       A       b       c       k       l       m
% sh
$ ls [a-c,k-l]*
a       A       b       c       k       l
$ ls [[:lower:]a-c,k-l]*
a       c       f       i       l       o       r       u       x
A       d       g       j       m       p       s       v       y
b       e       h       k       n       q       t       w       z

If I'll use the rm command I'll erase file that not match with my selection.

Imagine if I has a script to work in batch mode and it's occur, can be a too

* Nilton José Rizzo     Sistema de Informação    UFRRJ *
* http://cursos.ufrrj.br/grad/sistemas/                *
* lattes:http://lattes.cnpq.br/0079460703536198        *
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