
On a r317857 amd64 host, the release.sh build fails:
# cd /usr/src/release && ./release.sh


===> usr.sbin/yp_mkdb (installconfig)                                           
===> usr.sbin/yppoll (installconfig)                                            
===> usr.sbin/yppush (installconfig)                                            
===> usr.sbin/ypserv (installconfig)                                            
===> usr.sbin/ypset (installconfig)                                             
===> usr.sbin/keyserv (installconfig)                                           
===> usr.sbin/pkg (installconfig)                                               
===> usr.sbin/pmcannotate (installconfig)                                       
===> usr.sbin/pmccontrol (installconfig)                                        
===> usr.sbin/pmcstat (installconfig)                                           
===> usr.sbin/pmcstudy (installconfig)                                          
===> usr.sbin/edquota (installconfig)                                           
===> usr.sbin/quotaon (installconfig)                                           
===> usr.sbin/repquota (installconfig)                                          
===> usr.sbin/tcpdchk (installconfig)                                           
===> usr.sbin/tcpdmatch (installconfig)                                         
===> usr.sbin/timed (installconfig)                                             
===> usr.sbin/timed/timed (installconfig)                                       
===> usr.sbin/timed/timedc (installconfig)                                      
===> usr.sbin/unbound (installconfig)                                           
===> usr.sbin/unbound/daemon (installconfig)                                    
===> usr.sbin/unbound/anchor (installconfig)                                    
===> usr.sbin/unbound/checkconf (installconfig)                                 
===> usr.sbin/unbound/control (installconfig)                                   
===> usr.sbin/unbound/local-setup (installconfig)                               
===> usr.sbin/uathload (installconfig)                                          
===> usr.sbin/uhsoctl (installconfig)                                           
===> usr.sbin/usbconfig (installconfig)                                         
===> usr.sbin/usbdump (installconfig)                                           
===> usr.sbin/ac (installconfig)                                                
===> usr.sbin/lastlogin (installconfig)                                         
===> usr.sbin/utx (installconfig)                                               
===> etc (installconfig)                                                        
===> etc/newsyslog.conf.d (installconfig)                                       
mkdir -p bootonly/usr/freebsd-dist                                              
cp MANIFEST bootonly/usr/freebsd-dist                                           
ln -fs /tmp/bsdinstall_etc/resolv.conf bootonly/etc/resolv.conf                 
echo sendmail_enable=\"NONE\" > bootonly/etc/rc.conf                            
echo hostid_enable=\"NO\" >> bootonly/etc/rc.conf                               
echo debug.witness.trace=0 >> bootonly/etc/sysctl.conf                          
echo vfs.mountroot.timeout=\"10\" >> bootonly/boot/loader.conf                  
cp /usr/src/release/rc.local bootonly/etc                                       
sh /usr/src/release/amd64/mkisoimages.sh -b 12_0_CURRENT_amd64_BO bootonly.iso 
200+0 records in                                                                
200+0 records out
819200 bytes transferred in 0.000558 secs (1468442469 bytes/sec)                
newfs_msdos: cannot get number of sectors per track: Operation not supported    
newfs_msdos: cannot get number of heads: Operation not supported                
/dev/md0: 1557 sectors in 1557 FAT12 clusters (512 bytes/cluster)               
BytesPerSec=512 SecPerClust=1 ResSectors=1 FATs=2 RootDirEnts=512 Sectors=1600 
Media=0xf8 FATsecs=5 SecPerTrack=63 Heads=1 HiddenSecs=0
sh /usr/src/release/amd64/make-memstick.sh disc1 memstick.img                   
Calculated size of `memstick.img.part': 485474304 bytes, 9435 inodes            
Extent size set to 8192                                                         
memstick.img.part: 463.0MB (948192 sectors) block size 8192, fragment size 
        using 9 cylinder groups of 54.38MB, 6960 blks, 1152 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:                                         
     32, 111392, 222752, 334112, 445472, 556832, 668192, 779552, 890912,        
Populating `memstick.img.part'                                                  
makefs: bread: read 8192 (684294144) returned 0: No error: 0                    
makefs failed                                                                   
*** Error code 1                                                                

make[1]: stopped in /usr/src/release
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/src/release

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