O. Hartmann <ohartm...@walstatt.org> wrote:
> I just updated to r322769 and now I face this when trying to recompile 
> kernel/world again:
> make: "/usr/src/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk" line 142: warning: "cc --version || 
> echo 0.0.0"
> exited on a signal make: "/usr/src/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk" line 155: Unable 
> to
> determine compiler type for CC=cc.  Consider setting COMPILER_TYPE.
> System has been recompiled previously with filemon loaded.
> So, how is this to be solved? Ideas, please. I do not want to wreck my whole 
> farm here ...

Well first off you want to find what 'cc' was invoked above.
See if it cored - if it is something that should have run successfully
on the host.

The fact that the errors say 'make:' rather than 'make[1]:'
indicates this is the initial instance, if it were a sub-make you could
add .META to the target that ran the sub-make and thus see from .meta
file which 'cc' was run.

You could perhaps write a trivial makefile (m) to do that.
Ie. give it something like:

.MAIN: all
all: it
it: .META
        ${MAKE} -C ${.CURDIR} whatever

You *may* need

it: .META
        MAKELEVEL=0 ${MAKE} -C ${.CURDIR} whatever

to reproduce the cirsumstances better.

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