On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 15:56:14 +0000
Mahmoud Al-Qudsi <mqu...@neosmart.net> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Sorry about the confusing subject line, it___s the best I could think of to 
> succinctly summarize the issue at hand. I___ve been running into an issue 
> with FreeBSD from 10.x to 12-CURRENT and wanted to check with the mailing 
> list before I bugged it to make sure it is a FreeBSD bug and not a WSL (the 
> new Linux subsystem for Windows) bug.
> When I ssh into a FreeBSD host from a TERM=xterm-256color host that has no 
> problem SSHing into Linux machines, the following behavior is observed 
> (regardless of the $TERM value under FreeBSD or the SSH shell I___m logging 
> into).
> Imagine the prompt currently reads as follows with the cursor at the space 
> denoted by _ in the text below:
> user@freebsd % foo_bar
> If I type in ` foo` at this point, the prompt now reads
> user@freebsd %  foo foo_
> However, the _actual_ contents of the prompt are really
> user@freebsd % foo foo bar_
> i.e. the _displayed_ prompt acted as if OVERWRITE were on, but the actual 
> behavior is that INSERT was enabled. The actual behavior is the expected 
> behavior, which is what the prompt should have shown.
> I do not experience this behavior when using, say, Putty instead of OpenSSH 
> under WSL. I also do not experience this behavior when SSHing into a 
> non-FreeBSD host.
> If this is not a FreeBSD bug, I___ll raise it with the WSL team who have 
> proven to be very earnest in their attempts at fixing all compatibility 
> issues via their GitHub presence.
> (A screenshot of the observed behavior, if it helps: 
> http://i.imgur.com/k6hVtbQ.png )

Have you tried it with a different shell?  Such as /bin/sh rather than

Gary Jennejohn
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