On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 11:42:00AM -0700, Gordon Tetlow wrote:
> All,
> I wanted to announce my intention to remove the catman utility.
> For those that are unaware, this utility (disabled by default) is
> generally run out of a periodic job and causes the system to cache
> pre-formatted man pages into the /usr/share/man/cat* directories. With
> modern hardware, it doesn't seem to be necessary to have pre-formatted
> man pages as rendering them is short enough to not be noticeable.
> Please note, this will not disable the ability to render cat pages or in
> any other way use existing cat pages, it just removes the utility that
> builds the cat pages. As such, any ports that install cat pages will
> continue to work.

I forgot to mention this has a review out:

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