On Fri, 2017-10-06 at 22:33 +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:
> First of all, I think something has changed, since /dev/ufs doesn't get 
> populated anymore
> by usage of "gpart label" command. Second, there is a high chance that I 
> messed up
> NanoBSD a bit, a couple of days ago I tried to sync with the code base 
> changes and I made
> most changes effectively what is now "legacy.sh".

Here is the crucial error...  Labels created with glabel are in
/dev/label, they have never been in /dev/ufs.

/dev/ufs is populated by the contents of ufs filesystem labels, which
are created using "newfs -L" or "tunefs -L".  To see what label (if
any) is on your root filesystem, use:

  # dumpfs / | grep vol
  volname       roots1  swuid   0       providersize    262135

If nothing appears between "volname" and "swuid" it has no label.

I'm not disputing something may have changed that is causing you
problems, I'm just trying to point out that you are chasing the wrong
cause based on some kind of misunderstanding of the symptoms.

-- Ian
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