On 04/05/2018 17:15, Steve Kargl wrote:
This assumes that a gcc(1) is available on the system.

% man gcc
No manual entry for gcc

If the system compiler is clang/clang++, then it ought to be
documented better than it currently is.  Ian's suggests for
'clang --help' is even worse

%  clang --help | grep -- -std
   -cl-std=<value>         OpenCL language standard to compile for.
   -std=<value>            Language standard to compile for
   -stdlib=<value>         C++ standard library to use

Does <value> == <language>?

a quick google search turns up the following additional information:

"clang supports the -std option, which changes what language mode clang uses. The supported modes for C are c89, gnu89, c99, gnu99, c11, gnu11, c17, gnu17, and various aliases for those modes. If no -std option is specified, clang defaults to gnu11 mode. Many C99 and C11 features are supported in earlier modes as a conforming extension, with a warning. Use |-pedantic-errors| to request an error if a feature from a later standard revision is used in an earlier mode."



Pete Wright

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