On Sat, 02 Jun 2018 13:40:27 +0200, Ronald Klop <ronald-li...@klop.ws> wrote:

This happened again. Now I have a crashdump.
Anyone interested?

Some more answers below.

On Fri, 01 Jun 2018 17:41:54 +0200, bob prohaska <f...@www.zefox.net> wrote:

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 05:53:12PM +0200, Ronald Klop wrote:
I had a crash on my RPI-3B+ running freebsd 12/aarch64 from the 29 may
It was building world -j4 and portsnap extract.

I will keep it in the debugger for about an hour so if I need to provide
more information, please mail me.

db> show panic
panic: Assertion td->td_lock == TDQ_LOCKPTR(tdq) failed at

This used to be a fairly common error on my RPI3, but I haven't seen
it in some time.

As a matter of curiosity, have you been able to run a -j4 buildworld
to completion on your RPI3? If so, please post your setup. For several
months now all my attempts at j4 buildworld have failed with "killed,
out of swap" even though top seems to report minimal swap usage. It
even happens with no -j value set at all, but usually restarting with
-DNO_CLEAN allowed progress to pick up where it left off.

How do you ever run a -j4 buildworld? My RPI3 starts building clang/llvm with sometimes 500 MB+ per process so everything starts swapping like hell and takes forever to run.


Alas, as I write this, the kernel just reported

Jun 1 08:34:34 www kernel: pid 19399 (c++), uid 0, was killed: out of swap space

top is showing
Swap: 4096M Total, 17M Used, 4079M Free
but since top is alive the value is stale. Nonetheless, I have seen top
killed while still showing minimal swap usage.

It seems as if the "out of swap" kills are being issued in error..

Thanks for reading,

bob prohaska

I just received my RPI3 this week. It is running GENERIC with debug options still. Building a -NODEBUG kernel from src didn't succeed yet because of the mentioned panic.
I'm now building with -j2 to be on the safe side.

After I have the -NODEBUG kernel it will be a bit faster and I will try -j4 again.

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