On 10/22/18 10:49 AM, Thomas Laus wrote:
> I have been building HEAD for the past several years about every 2
> weeks.  I updated my base source today from r339234 to r339586 and the
> buildworld stops because a missing libarchive.so.7 dependency.  It is
> looking for libcrypto.so.9 which has not been built at this part of the
> toolchain process yet.
> I deleted my source tree and performed a clean checkout.  I deleted my
> /usr/obj/* and my /tmp directory.  There wasn't any special procedure or
> notes in /usr/UPDATING to let me know of any other required steps to
> perform this update.
It looks like I had a circular dependency created after an aborted
'installworld'.  An updated libarchive was installed before
libcrypto.so.9 was installed.  Installing libcrypto depends on
libarchive.  Libarchive after the updated installation required
libcrypto.so.9, which had not been installed yet.

I used beadm to rollback my system two weeks to the last successful
build.  I ran svn update to bring me to the latest source update and
then performed a buildworld followed by a new kernel.  I manually
installed the freshly built libarchive.so.9 and to be safe, also
installed the rebuilt libarchive.

Installworld finished successfully.


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