On 2019-04-29 10:33, Thomas Laus wrote:
> Updating to r346885 turned out to be a disaster!  There were changes to
> DRM between FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT r346544 and r346885.  The desktop that
> I use for a build machine because it is much faster than any of my other
> PC's installed kernel and world without any problems including starting
> 'X'.  I had to update the drm-current-kmod port on my build PC.  Nothing
> was in /usr/src/UPDATING or /usr/ports/UPDATING about the need to do so.
> DRM on my build computer did not start until the update and then worked
> as expected.
> I did the same on my Dell laptop and it crashed on the first boot right
> after loading DRM-kmod.  I removed the line in rc.conf that activates
> the kernel module and my laptop booted into multiuser.  When I started
> 'X' it crashed just like before.  The screen was black and I could not
> login remotely via SSH.  Nothing in any system log.  The Xorg log shows
> this and stops:

I updated my other desktop PC's (Intel Atom D510 and Dell AMD Sempron)
and received the same black screen, not responsive, no log events just
like my laptop with CURRENT r346885 and the DRM kmod update from ports.
 The only computer that had success was my Intel i5 Skylake.  I did not
try updating my other laptop since r346885 had issues on three
computers.  Recovery also required a BEADM rollback to the last
successful snapshot.


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