If you drop into efi shell, can you start efi/boot/bootx64.efi manually? you 
should have fs0: or like for ESP.


> On 21 Aug 2019, at 20:58, O. Hartmann <ohartm...@walstatt.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> I ran into serious trouble booting several boxes off UEFI. On modern hardware,
> the ESP is around 200 - 300 MB in size and usually I install
> /efi/freebsd/loader.efi, loader.efi taken from /boot/loader.efi. On some older
> hardware, specifically on a Lenovo E540 with latest available firmware (2.28),
> which uses 12-STABLE and a ZFS-only installation, there seems no working 
> loader
> anymore!
> The installation of the Laptop has been performed using 12.0-PRERELEASE on an
> Samsung EVO 860 500GB SSD. The ESP is 200M in size and contained
> /efi/boot/BOOTx64.efi and /efi/boot/startup.nsh.
> The ESP has been destroyed by accident. Now I tried to solve the problem by
> installing a new ESP and the proper loader, assuming that /boot/loader.efi
> (taken from a FreeBSD-13-CURRENT or from 12-STABLE of the same revision and
> sompiled on the same platform (Intel Haswell) as the lost laptop's revison of
> the OS is at. But I fail doing so. Somehow Lenovo's firmware is setting up a
> lot of UEFI boot numbers as provided via "efibootmgr -b 000X", X some Hex
> numer. -b 000A is usually denoted/labeld with "ATA HDD0".
> Installing the proper boot/loader.efi loader file from 12-STABLE (r351108) and
> setting the EFI variable according the following steps:
> mount -t msdosfs /dev/ada0p1 /mnt (ESP is on GPT partition 1, 0p2 is zroot)
> Install then loader.efi either as BOOTx64.efi or loader.efi under
> /mnt/efi/boot/ or /mnt/efi/freebsd/ and then set the boot environment
> accordingly via
> delete 000A first:
> efibootmgr -B -b 000A
> create the new efi boot var:
> efibootmgr -a -b 000A -c -l /mnt/efi/{freebsd|boot}/{loader.efi|BOOTx64.efi} 
> -L
> FreeBSD
> The result is a non booting system, the Lenovo firmware jumps immediately into
> the menu for selecting a proper boot media.
> The same happens with /boot/boot1.efi installed as loader.efi or BOOTx64.efi
> shown above.
> In case I just brute-force flash the ESP with /boot/boot1.efifat, dd
> if=boot1.efifat of=/dev/ada0p1 (ESP) (taken from the propper 12-STABLE system 
> I
> spoeke of above), then booting fails again, but this time with an error I 
> watch
> on so many boxes recently:
> [...]
> Ignoring Boot000a: Only one DP found
> Trying ZFS pool
> Setting currdev to zfs:zroot/ROOT/default:
> Then the console freezes at that point and only RESET or POWER OFF is capable
> of a revive.
> What is wrong here? What am I missing?
> Thanks in advance,
> oh
> - -- 
> O. Hartmann
> Ich widerspreche der Nutzung oder Übermittlung meiner Daten für
> Werbezwecke oder für die Markt- oder Meinungsforschung (§ 28 Abs. 4 BDSG).
> fX+hTk4vDUkf8ga4EsrUDZflage6LAk=
> =3img
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