On August 24, 2019 10:15:22 AM GMT+03:00, "Clay Daniels Jr." 
<clay.daniels...@gmail.com> wrote:
>From the kmod ports, dated 20190814
>"amdgpu and radeonkms are known to fail with EFI Boot"
>"some positive reports if EFI is not enabled"
>Any practical suggestions on getting drm-current-kmod to work on an AMD
>machine, including how to NOT enable EFI? I did not see that option on
>install menu.

"Not enabling" EFI means booting the installer in legacy more (CSM). Installer 
images are universal, so you'd have to instruct the firmware to ignore the EFI 
loader on there. Deleting the EFI partition might work I guess. rEFInd can 
force CSM boot a USB drive.

I do not recommend this. Instead, there is a workaround for the EFI framebuffer 
conflict. If you have it (i.e. amdgpu fails to load, or hangs when starting 
GUI), boot with hw.syscons.disable=1. You won't see anything on the screen 
after the boot loader and before loading the driver :) but that's not a big 
deal when the driver autoloads successfully.
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