>>   My machine (with core i5-7500) is hangup when loading i915kms.ko
>> on r352239 and r352386 (1300047).
>>   This machine was working good with r351728 (1300044).
>>   /etc/rc.conf has the following line.
>> kld_list="i915kms.ko"
> Pardon the intrusion.
> What happens if you add drm2.ko and/or switch to absolute paths?
> This is what I had to put in my /etc/rc.conf for a Dell Latitude 
> E5530 to get rid of the message of drm2 being deprecated:
> kld_list="/boot/modules/drm2.ko /boot/modules/i915kms.ko"


  Thank you for mail.
  I'm using 13-current and it has no longer drm2.ko.
  This machine was working good on r351728 as follows.
r351728% kldstat
Id Refs Address                Size Name
 1   90 0xffffffff80200000  2336bb0 kernel
 2    1 0xffffffff82537000     7278 ums.ko
 3    1 0xffffffff82ef9000     aa70 tmpfs.ko
 4    1 0xffffffff82f04000     4fb8 linprocfs.ko
 5    4 0xffffffff82f09000     3d70 linux_common.ko
 6    1 0xffffffff82f0d000     24fe linsysfs.ko
 7    1 0xffffffff82f10000   12eb90 i915kms.ko
 8    1 0xffffffff8303f000    77e90 drm.ko
 9    4 0xffffffff830b7000    125f0 linuxkpi.ko
10    2 0xffffffff830ca000    13f30 linuxkpi_gplv2.ko
11    2 0xffffffff830de000      8e0 lindebugfs.ko
12    1 0xffffffff830df000     240d i915_kbl_dmc_ver1_04_bin.ko
13    1 0xffffffff830e2000     a218 if_lagg.ko
14    1 0xffffffff830ed000     3f00 ng_ubt.ko
15    6 0xffffffff830f1000     a998 netgraph.ko
16    2 0xffffffff830fc000     9378 ng_hci.ko
17    3 0xffffffff83106000      9c0 ng_bluetooth.ko
18    1 0xffffffff83107000     c890 snd_uaudio.ko
19    1 0xffffffff83114000     1840 uhid.ko
20    1 0xffffffff83116000     1b00 wmt.ko
21    1 0xffffffff83118000     d560 ng_l2cap.ko
22    1 0xffffffff83126000    19900 ng_btsocket.ko
23    1 0xffffffff83140000     2100 ng_socket.ko
24    1 0xffffffff83143000    263b0 ipfw.ko
25    1 0xffffffff8316a000    3c960 linux.ko
26    1 0xffffffff831a7000    34b70 linux64.ko
27    1 0xffffffff831dc000     45a0 autofs.ko
28    1 0xffffffff831e1000      acf mac_ntpd.ko
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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