On 2020-05-31 00:52:48 (+0800), Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
> -- Start of PGP signed section.
>> On 2020-05-27 22:01, Philip Paeps wrote:
>>> On 2020-05-27 22:35:14 (+0800), Allan Jude wrote:
>>>> Sorry for the late notice, I thought I sent this last week.
>>>> After the slate of candidates was finalized last week, I invited all of
>>>> them to join a live stream today at 18:00 UTC to answer questions from
>>>> the FreeBSD Community.
>>> Do you ever plan to schedule one of these at a time that works for those
>>> of us in the eastern hemisphere?
>>> 18:00 UTC is 02:00 in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China, 03:00 in Japan and
>>> 04:00 in the east of Australia to name but a couple of places where we
>>> have sizeable (or at least non-zero) populations of FreeBSD developers.
>>> I'm sure we can watch the recordings after the fact, but I'm sure some
>>> of us would also welcome the opportunity to ask questions in real time.
>> Philip: We did one at 02:00 UTC on April 16th. But attendance was only
>> ~20, compared to ~65 for the 18:00 UTC slot.
> Since I have no idea on what our global proportions per time zone are
> I can not tell if that is a good showing or a not so good.

No single timeslot is going to be great for everyone.  Alternating
between times convenient for different groups of people gives a better
chance of reaching everyone though.

The reason for the low turnout at 02:00 UTC (mid-morning to early
afternoon on this side of the world) might have been people working.

With only one session scheduled during daylight in this hemisphere, it's
difficult to draw any conclusions.

> Do we have any data on the global distribution of @developers?

Not a completely accurate one. :-)


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
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