On 6/21/20 12:37 AM, Olivier Cochard-Labbé wrote:

Same problem using FreeBSD current UEFI guests with bhyve, so it should
happen in any kind of hypervisor.
It is an old regression (in the sense of -current, so older than 6 months).
My idea was to generate very light UEFI VM images (because the snapshot VM
images are BIOS based) and scripting a bisector tool, but I never took the
time to do it.

The problem on FreeBSD CURRENT at least is caused by the bhyve UEFI firmware that's running: I've committed a fix upstream to fix it (https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/commit/f159102a130fac9b416418eb9b6fa35b63426ca5), but still need to get CSM support working again before we can switch everyone over from the UDK2014.SP1 build to the newer code.

Rebecca Cran

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