On 8/29/20 11:14 AM, Glen Barber wrote:
> NOPORTS=yes is the problem, and I forgot to address it before merging
> the project branch back.  Please try with r364956.

Trying now but, in the interim, I noted ..

With SVN, I could re-use a previously existing build directory and it
would simply apply the relevant diffs to bring the tree up to date.

In the move to GIT, now it seems I have to pull the whole tree down or
it complains ..

imb@vm01:/usr/src/release> sudo ./release.sh -c release-i386.conf
fatal: destination path '/usr/local/release-builds/i386/usr/src' already
exists and is not an empty directory.

I'm not that familiar with GIT but .. Is there an incremental update
option I can use? If so, should this be the default? As is, it seems
like a colossal waste of bandwidth and unwanted load on the parent GIT repo,


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