On Tue, Sep 01, 2020 at 01:14:10PM -0400, Ed Maste wrote:
> We've been updating the svn-git converter and pushing out a new
> converted repo every two weeks, and are now approaching the time where
> we'd like to commit to the tree generated by the exporter, and
> guarantee that hashes will remain consistent from this point. At this
> point the Git Working Group believes the conversion represents a
> high-fidelity translation of the Subversion history, but would
> appreciate additional review in case we've missed anything.
> I'd ask folks with an interest in the FreeBSD repository to clone the
> beta conversion and review the converted history in the specific areas
> they are interested in - e.g., specific contrib/ software, device
> drivers, etc. This will also present our final opportunity to change
> the author map file, if necessary.
> The beta src tree can be cloned via:
> % git clone https://cgit-beta.freebsd.org/src.git freebsd-cgit-beta
> Please follow up this week if you notice any discrepancies or author
> entries that require updates.

I'm curious if there's any plans for read-only access over ssh.
Trusting FreeBSD's ssh key material is likely easier than trusting
HTTPS in certain regions.


Shawn Webb
Cofounder / Security Engineer

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