In message <
, Ed Maste writes:
> FTP is (becoming?) a legacy protocol, and I think it may be time to
> remove the ftp server from the FreeBSD base system - with the recent
> security advisory for ftpd serving as a reminder.
> I've proposed adding a deprecation notice to the man page in
> to start this off. There are a
> number of ftp servers in ports, and if we're going to remove the base
> system one we can create a port for it first, as well.
> Any comments or concerns, please follow up in the code review or in email her
> e.

We should also deprecate the FTP client.

I've been advocating removing FTP (and HTTP) from libfetch as well. People 
should be using HTTPS only. (libfetch could support a plugin that might be 
supplied by a port should someone be inclined to write one.)

FTP is firewall unfriendly.

The F5 gateway at $JOB does not support FTP. When we still worked at the 
office I had to take my $JOB laptop to the coffee shop to use their 
wireless to download patches from Broadcom's FTP site. Now that I WFH (we 
won't ever go back to the office) I download while disconnected from the 

Then move the removed bits to ports, which I think we already have in tnftp 
and tnftpd.

Cy Schubert <>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <>   Web:
NTP:           <>    Web:

        The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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