On 1/18/21 6:51 PM, Steve Kargl wrote:
I've used a SCHED_BSD for a long time on my i586-*-freebsd
laptop.  Recently, FreeBSD just locks up on this system.  No
panic.  No screen.  No keyboard. Nothing.  So, yesterday, while
trying to deal with the blank console problem, I switch to
SCHED_ULE to see if solved this lock-up issue.  It doesn't. :-(

I now have a number of messages during boot.

% dmesg | grep align
bus_dmamem_alloc failed to align memory properly.
bus_dmamem_alloc failed to align memory properly.
bus_dmamem_alloc failed to align memory properly.
bus_dmamem_alloc failed to align memory properly.
bus_dmamem_alloc failed to align memory properly.

I never seen these messages, so is this normal for SCHED_ULE.

In addition, to the mystrey lock-up.  It now seems that
wpa_supplicant is broken.  The initial instances, started
at boot, is using 100% CPU.  I need to kill that instance
along with openvpn (which of course needs the network).
The D-Link cardbud ath NIC is ejected, re-insert it, and
the network start up as normal.


This appears to be a known issue.

I think kib@ is working on it.

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