Hi everyone,

A few years ago at BSDCam I started working on a tool that would parse data 
structures using libclang and provide libucl wrappers for serialising and 
deserialising the code.  After working on it for a bit, I came to the 
conclusion that the approach was the wrong way around and what I actually 
wanted to do was describe the config file and reflect that into code.

I’ve written a tool (still quite WIP, but now in a usable state) that takes a 
JSON Schema describing the config file and produces some modern idiomatic C++ 
wrappers for exposing it.  JSON Schema is the same format the UCL can validate, 
so you can write the schema once, use it to validate config files, and also use 
it to generate the code that exposes the config files into your program.

I hope it’s useful to anyone working on adding UCL support to tools:


There are a couple of simple examples in the tests directory that show the 
schema, some example configs, and the code used for accessing them.


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