> After rereading the paper in more detail, Step 7 of the reseed algorithm
> seems not entirely consistent with this: they explicitly refer to writing
> out "the next 2k bits of output from the generator to the seed file"
> (slightly different terminology, but I couldn't find any other references
> to the "seed file")

He doesn't talk about it too much :-(.

> Another important point is that Yarrow-160 is not useful for generating
> keys >160 bits, because of Shannon's theorem and the fact that it uses
> SHA-1. You seem to be using a blowfish-based hash function with 256-bit
> keysize (do you have a reference for using blowfish in that fashion?), but
> the point stands. It seems we would need to use an alternative interface
> which either synchronously reseeds with every output to generate stronger
> random data, or just taps into the (hashed) entropy pools directly.

Lots of references: Schneier's "Applied Cryptography" talks about
using Good Hashes for crypto and Good Crypto for hashes. Schneier's
site at www.counterpane.com will give you plenty.

It is also an extension and improvement on the way OpenBSD do their
bcrypt (passwd) hash.

> This was also a problem with our /dev/urandom (by design), but not with
> /dev/random since that tapped the entropy pool directly. Incidentally, it
> also looks like a problem with OpenBSD's /dev/arandom which is a stream
> cipher (arc4 with 256-bit key) periodically reseeded.

The differnce with the old system and Yarrow is yarrow's self-recovery
property; Yarrow screens its internal state from the ouside world
very heavily, and provides enough perturbation of it from its
copious :-) entropy harvesting to keep the state safe from compromise.

Yarrow also keeps multiple (fast/slow pools + key) states, and the
long, slow interactions between those give much better protection
that the old system which was pretty much a simple PRNG+simple
random perturbations.  (I know MD5 is not "simple", but it is
deterministic, and was only used once).

Mark Murray
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