> On 29 Dec 2021, at 14:06, FreeBSD User <free...@walstatt-de.de> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Dec 2021 09:10:02 +0200
> Daniel Braniss <da...@cs.huji.ac.il <mailto:da...@cs.huji.ac.il>> wrote:
>>> On 29 Dec 2021, at 01:25, FreeBSD User <free...@walstatt-de.de 
>>> <mailto:free...@walstatt-de.de>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 20 Dec 2021 14:35:10 +0100
>>> Marc Fonvieille <black...@freebsd.org <mailto:black...@freebsd.org> 
>>> <mailto:black...@freebsd.org <mailto:black...@freebsd.org>>> wrote:
>>>> Le 19.12.2021 21:03, Andrew Stevenson a écrit :  
>>>>>> On 19. Dec 2021, at 12:18, FreeBSD User <free...@walstatt-de.de> wrote:
>>>>>> environment. Since I'm interested in coding for some smaller AMTEL MCUs 
>>>>>> and ESP32
>>>>>> and like to digg a bit deeper than simply clicking a host base from a 
>>>>>> menu, I'm not
>>>>>> afraid of doing some larger basic setup if needed.    
>>>>> If by small AMTEL MCUs you mean AVRs then avr-gcc and avrdude are in 
>>>>> ports.
>>>> For ESP32, you should look at:
>>>> https://wiki.freebsd.org/electronics/arduino/esp32  
>>> Following these instructions with the most recent required ports on the 
>>> latest
>>> 13-STABLE, results in an linker error:
>>> /usr/local/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/5.2.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld:
>>> cannot find crt1-sim.o: No such file or directory
>>> /usr/local/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/5.2.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld:
>>> cannot find _vectors.o: No such file or directory
>>> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>> and
>>>> https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/a-guide-for-installing-esp32-board-for-arduino-on-freebsd12-update-2021-08-17.78408/
>>>> <https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/a-guide-for-installing-esp32-board-for-arduino-on-freebsd12-update-2021-08-17.78408/>
>>>> <https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/a-guide-for-installing-esp32-board-for-arduino-on-freebsd12-update-2021-08-17.78408/
>>>> <https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/a-guide-for-installing-esp32-board-for-arduino-on-freebsd12-update-2021-08-17.78408/>>
>> i gave up compiling the xtensa stuff, specially after espressif came out 
>> with a riscv
>> version. so I downloaded the oficial idf and under FreeBSD-13 it almost 
>> worked  out of
>> the box, if you want I can search my notes …
>> danny
> Hello.
> I think, that will be the first step in the right direction (using the 
> official eps-idf).
> Since I didn't come along with the salvation of the linker error reported 
> earlier, I
> switched back to an older project from January this year. It is also based on 
> the
> official FreeBSD Arduino 1.8.5 port and the xtensa compiler 5.2.0 from ports, 
> but I used
> within sketchbook/hardware/esp32 the esp32 git branch release/v1.0 instead of 
> master on
> which I faced the crt1-sim.o error. The goal is to compile HyperionLED (as a 
> side
> product) with the recommended libraries for this project.
> It doesn't compile with ESP32 branch release/v1.0, the error is now
> [...]
> libraries/FastLED/src/platforms/esp/32/clockless_rmt_esp32.h:149:33: error:
> 'cpu_hal_get_cycle_count' was not declared ...
> [...]
> which lead me to the conclusion that a more recent version is required. With 
> the recent
> version of ESP32 stuff in place, I face the mentioned crt1-sim.o error.

same here, apart from the need for a different compiler for the riskv chips.

> Searching the web for that error leads to a discrepancy of ESP-IDF and the 
> compiler stuff.
> I'll try the original esp-idf as you suggested (it is a pity it is backed by 
> cmake, I'm
> not quite familiar with cmake yet).
> Any advice is highly appreciated.

espidf version i’m using is 5 (master) and it needs linux emulation and yes, 
cmake, but it’s not that difficult to master,
just check the examples CMakefile’s.

if you need more specific help just yell :-)


> Kind regards,
> oh

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