On 08/07/2022 13:18, Stefan Esser wrote:
Am 08.07.22 um 12:53 schrieb Hans Petter Selasky:

Here is the complete patch for Voice-Over in the FreeBSD console:


You need to install espeak from pkg and then install the /etc/devd/accessibility.conf file and then run sysctl kern.vt.accessibility.enable=1 after booting the new kernel.

It is freaking awesome!

There might be some bugs, but it worked fine for me!

The espeak port is marked for deletion on 2022-06-30 (but has
not been deleted, yet):

DEPRECATED=     Last release in 2014 and deprecated upstream

There is espeak-ng, which took over the sources, and I have
prepared a port update.

Many years ago, I added the speech synthesis APIs from OS X to GNUstep using flite:


flite it small (the port contains separate .so and .a files for each voice, a minimal version needs only one), has no dependencies outside of the base system, and is permissively licensed. I haven't used it for a while (apparently it's had a new major release since I last did), but I was happily using it for text-to-speech on FreeBSD 10-15 years ago and it is still in ports.


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