On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Stephen Hocking wrote:

> Last one I can find in the FTP repository is cvs-cur.6772.gz. Where are the 
> more recent ones?

I'm sorry, I have been recovering from recent surgery again, and just got
back to reading email.  The vinum volume that ctm resides on has
disappeared, and all the usual suspects are being rounded up
.... seriously, it looks like Ulf (who physically controls that
machine) took them offline for some reason, I don't know why, I have an
email off to him about it.

Least I won't have to use that "recovering from surgery" excuse
anymore.  This last surgery, it finally worked!  No more time in the body
shop anymore!! yea!!  Now I can get back to my main hobby (harrassing BSD
folks .... bwahahahhah)

I just got in touch with Ulf (just now).  ctm-repair now in progress.

>       Stephen

Chuck Robey             | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| electronics, communications, and signal processing.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary.

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