I was having problems with the ESS Audiodrive under 5.0-Current, when used
with mpg123 - the system refused to play any music in stereo.  It turns
out the problem is the way the pre-compiled Package of mpg123 v0.59r
cooperates with 4.2-R and 5.0-C.

Compiling mpg123 from sources, with EsounD support, seems to have fixed
the problem - it now works in stereo just like before.  The packaged
version doesn't have it built in, and compiling my own without EsounD acts
similar to the packaged version - no stereo sound on ESS Audiodrive 18xx

Has anyone else noticed this reaction?

Over the last few days I've been fetching and compiling many applications
and libraries (including EsounD) from source code, to replace all the
packages I had relied on previously, and to gain a little extra speed
(mpg123 didn't improve any though :-) and hopefully save me a few megs of
HD space and memory.

(a copy of this message is being sent to Michael Hipp as well).

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