On 09-Mar-01 Andrea Campi wrote:
> Hi John,
> didn't have time to reply to your previous email (I was sleeping ;-)) before
> getting this. Do you still need the dump?

No, jlemon and I figured it out on irc.  I'm not sure why it's broken yet.

>> On 08-Mar-01 Andrea Campi wrote:
>> > Yesterday -current:
>> It seems modules are broken with witness right now.  Before you were ok as
>> long
>> as you didn't unload the darn things, now they seem to be toast altogether,
>> so
>> you will want to use a static kernel for now until this is fixed.
> Doesn't it warrant a very big HEADSUP?

Probably, they've already been partially broken, though the partial brokenness
that I know how to fix will be fixed hopefully before too long.  I'm not sure
yet why sticking a mutex in a kld causes us to walk off a NULL pointer.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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