I have put up a patch which sanitizes the fsck passno handling,
you will find it at http://phk.freebsd.dk/patch/

Apologies to Kirk if this conflics with any of his work on
delayed fsck...

20010328        fsck.patch

        This patch sanitizes the way fsck deals with pass numbers.

        Consider this /etc/fstab:

        # Device         Mountpoint      FStype  Options    Dump    Pass#
        /dev/ad1s1b      none            swap    sw         0       0
        /dev/ad0s1b      none            swap    sw         0       0
        /dev/ad0s1a      /               ufs     rw         1       1
        /dev/ad0s1e      /home           ufs     rw         2       2
        /dev/ad1s1e      /tmp            ufs     rw         2       2
        /dev/ad1s1f      /usr            ufs     rw         2       2
        /dev/ccd0c       /syv            ufs     rw         2       11
        proc             /proc           procfs  rw         0       0

        ccd0c is striped over /dev/ad0f and /dev/ad1g

        Without this pass, fsck in preen mode will check ad0s1a first,
        and then issue three processes in parallel:

        One process doing ad0s1e
        One process doing ad1s1e and ad1s1f
        One process doing ccd0c

        There is no way to tell it that ccd0c overlaps ad0 and ad1.

        With the patch, it will do it this way:

        pass 2:
        One process doing ad0s1e
        One process doing ad1s1e and ad1s1f

        and when they are complete:

        pass 11:
        One process doing ccd0c

        This is much faster and more sane.

        I retired the '-l' option which tried to allow people to do
        something like this, but which didn't work and which complicated
        the code an awful lot.

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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