>From: "Ilya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 19:05:30 -0400

>I just compiled world and kenrel for current on my laptop
>ran mergemaster
>but it seems that /dev doesnt get updated.there is no MAKEDEV there and when
>i try to copy it form my cvs to /dev i get :
>Operation not supported error
>there are no special flags on /dev (i chekcedk)


>any suggestions?

DEVFS is standard in -CURRENT now.

man 5 devfs, and proceed from there.  (A bit of faith may help, too...)

>thank you

You're welcome.

David H. Wolfskill                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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advise, recommend, or support the use (save possibly for personal
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