Here is a patch to add the verbs "fwrite" and "flseek" to the
FORTH interpreter.

This is a necessary part of reimplementing the "nextboot" code,
which was murdered when the new boot loader came in.

Commit, K PLZ THX.

-- Terry
Index: boot/ficl/words.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/clickarray/FreeBSD/sys.releng4/boot/ficl/words.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.1.1.1 words.c
*** boot/ficl/words.c   2001/03/21 00:50:28
--- boot/ficl/words.c   2001/06/08 04:15:33
*** 4256,4262 ****
      (void)stackPopINT(pVM->pStack); /* don't need count value */
      p = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
!     fd = open(p, O_RDONLY);
      stackPushINT(pVM->pStack, fd);
--- 4256,4262 ----
      (void)stackPopINT(pVM->pStack); /* don't need count value */
      p = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
!     fd = open(p, O_RDWR);
      stackPushINT(pVM->pStack, fd);
*** 4300,4305 ****
--- 4300,4348 ----

+ /*          fwrite - write file contents
+  *
+  * fwrite  ( fd buf nbytes  -- nwritten )
+  */
+ static void pfwrite(FICL_VM *pVM)
+ {
+     int     fd, len;
+     char *buf;
+ #if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+     vmCheckStack(pVM, 3, 1);
+ #endif
+     len = stackPopINT(pVM->pStack); /* get number of bytes to write */
+     buf = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack); /* get buffer */
+     fd = stackPopINT(pVM->pStack); /* get fd */
+     if (len > 0 && buf && fd != -1)
+       stackPushINT(pVM->pStack, write(fd, buf, len));
+     else
+       stackPushINT(pVM->pStack, -1);
+     return;
+ }
+ /*          flseek - seek to file offset
+  *
+  * flseek  ( fd offset whence  -- whence )
+  */
+ static void pflseek(FICL_VM *pVM)
+ {
+     int     fd, whence, offset;
+ #if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+     vmCheckStack(pVM, 3, 1);
+ #endif
+     whence = stackPopINT(pVM->pStack); /* get whence */
+     offset = stackPopINT(pVM->pStack); /* get offset */
+     fd = stackPopINT(pVM->pStack); /* get fd */
+     if (whence >= 0 && whence <= 2 && offset >= 0 && fd != -1)
+       stackPushINT(pVM->pStack, lseek(fd, offset, whence));
+     else
+       stackPushINT(pVM->pStack, -1);
+     return;
+ }
  /*          fload - interpret file contents
   * fload  ( fd -- )
*** 4808,4813 ****
--- 4851,4858 ----
      dictAppendWord(dp, "fopen",           pfopen,         FW_DEFAULT);
      dictAppendWord(dp, "fclose",    pfclose,      FW_DEFAULT);
      dictAppendWord(dp, "fread",           pfread,         FW_DEFAULT);
+     dictAppendWord(dp, "fwrite",    pfwrite,      FW_DEFAULT);
+     dictAppendWord(dp, "flseek",    pflseek,      FW_DEFAULT);
      dictAppendWord(dp, "fload",           pfload,         FW_DEFAULT);
      dictAppendWord(dp, "fkey",            fkey,           FW_DEFAULT);
      dictAppendWord(dp, "key",     key,            FW_DEFAULT);

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