The s1 after da0s1 is similar for all disc devices under bsd. It means
the first slice (similar to partition for Wind**s users). 

But this is something out of topic here... move to FreeBSD-question or
take a private talk with me...


On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 17:28, Joe Halpin wrote:
> Jan Stocker wrote:
> > 
> > Looks quite fine for me...
> > 
> > looks like your cam was connected for about 6 mins...
> > 
> > what does a
> > 
> > $ mount -t msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt
> > 
> > say?
> That works fine. I guess I'm trying to mount the wrong device file. 
> <sigh>
> Sorry, I'm pretty new to usb and haven't caught on yet. Is there a
> document that describes what the device files under /dev are for? I
> don't see da0s1 in my kernel config file at all.
> Thanks
> Joe
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