On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 10:24:07AM -0700, J. Mallett wrote:
> * From David Wolfskill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > g1-9(5.0-C)[2] ps -ax
> > ps: pid tt state time command: keyword not found
> > ps: no valid keywords
> > g1-9(5.0-C)[3] 
> This is due to me un-breaking seperation of keywords and not testing
> enough.  Sorry.  Give me five minutes.


may I ask you what kind of changes are you doing to ps ?
since I've worked a lot on ps to make it SUSV3 complian
and don't want to redo all the job I've done. some days
ago, I've asked to be recorded to the `FreeBSD C99 & POSIX
Conformance Project' (http://www.FreeBSD.org/projects/c99/)
as the ps maintainer but the page has not been updated yet.

Cyrille Lefevre                 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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