I like to use 'suspend mode' with my notebook sony vaio z505hs.
I don't like to shutdown FreeBSD every time I want to switch the notebook off.

I have had a problem with suspend for a long long time.

But before deep investigation I'd like to know if someone has the same problem.

People, how don't use suspend with yours notebook, may be you try to repeat it?

The problem is:

Notebook works good untill 'suspend'.('zzz' or 'acpiconf -s3').
After resume it works fine a random period of time(1 minute or 3 days and
several suspends) and then kernel has a panic with message "getnewvnode: free
vnode isn't". It works with and without acpi.

I see, that the panic usually appears during strong hard disk io operations
(like when cvsup is working or programms is been compiling).

I think, that in some conditions, linked with 'suspend mode', vnode with non
zero v_usecount flag is placed in freevnode spool.

First look at /sys/kern/vfs_subr.c told me that it is imposible, but...

Juriy Goloveshkin

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